23 Awesome Things To Talk About With A Girl

Knowing how to talk to girls and things to talk about with a girl is a crucial skill for guys to learn, especially if they want to know how to get a girlfriend.

The art of conversation takes practice.

Finding things to talk about can be tough, but we’re here to make it easy for you.

Here are 6 best things to talk about with a girl:

1. Culture
You really can’t go wrong talking about music, movies, art, and books. The conversation is going to go one of two ways: either she’s seen/heard/read it, or she hasn’t! If she has, you have something in common to talk about. If she hasn’t, you can introduce her to something new. It’s a win-win for both of you.

2. Hobbies
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A person’s hobbies are often a big part of who they are as a person. After all, it’s how they spend a lot of their time. Because hobbies are activities that people do for fun, the conversation is automatically going to be upbeat and positive. You might even have hobbies in common that you can do together, and if not, you can give something new a try.

3. Your Surroundings
Sometimes, you’re going to need to improvise. Use your surroundings for inspiration. The weather is an obvious topic, but it’s a little too easy (and kind of boring). Make observations and ask her questions — you may find that getting a more in-depth discussion rolling is easier than you thought.

4. Experiences (Yours And Hers)
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Talking about things you’ve done is a great way to get to know her, and it helps her get to know you too. From past jobs to vacations, talking about interesting things you’ve done with your life so far helps both of you to determine if you’re on the same page. After all, your experiences shape you as a person.

5. Goals And Aspirations
Your dreams are just as much a part of you as your experiences. Just because you haven’t done something yet doesn’t mean you’re not shaped by the thought of the future. Ask her about her future plans, but don’t make it sound like a job interview. You’re trying to get to know her as a person, not her qualifications for an open position. Strike the phrase, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” from your vocabulary.

6. Family
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Want a great topic that can almost fill up an entire conversation? There may be no better topic than family. Because just like you both have your own unique passions, you both have a unique family history, which not only gives you plenty to talk about, but also helps you learn a ton about who she is.

So take the chance to ask how she gets along with siblings or her parents, or how often she sees her family. And don’t forget to also talk about yours.

4 Things To Talk About With A Girl To Keep A Conversation Going

There’s no exact science to knowing how to keep a conversation going with a girl. A lot of the time you need to think on your toes and react to what she says. At the same time, it’s always good to keep a few ideas in the back of your mind so you have something to say during those awkward silences.

Here are 4 simple things to talk about with a girl to keep the conversation going:

7. Talk About Your Day
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One easy trick to keep the conversation flowing is to talk about your day. That can mean discussing things that have already happened or your plans for the rest of the day. This technique works great because those topics are already fresh in both of your minds.

8. Talk About Yourself
Another go-to topic is yourself. Of course, you don’t want to be talking about yourself the whole time, but when you’re stuck in a pinch, just talk about your interests, hobbies, experiences, and anything else. It makes you seem confident, and you obviously know all about yourself already, so it shouldn’t be too hard to come up with conversation fodder. Just recognize when it’s time to move along so you don’t seem conceited.

9. Talk About Her
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Finally, just encourage her to talk about herself! If you show interest in her as a person, she’s going to feel more and more comfortable opening up to you. You can use what she says to come up with new questions and responses that keep things moving in an organic way.

10. Ask The Right Questions
Just like how knowing the right topics is important, knowing how to ask the right questions is equally as essential.

What exactly are the right questions?
Instead of questions that could potentially lead to one-word answers, The right questions are open-ended, and give her the chance to “tell a story.”

3 Sweet Things To Talk About With A Girl

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When things are going well and you’re ready to turn up the charm a bit, you may want to be prepared with some sweet things to say to a girl. Now, you don’t want to push your luck too far if you don’t know her well yet, so keep it smooth, easy, and light.

Here are 3 very sweet things to talk about with her:

11. Compliment Her
Try to sneak a friendly compliment into the conversation. A compliment is defined as “a polite expression of praise or admiration.” The key word here is polite. You can tell her you love her laugh or that she has beautiful eyes, but don’t ask if she wants fries with that shake. Try to make the compliment casual and relevant to the topic at hand.

Whatever it is you like about her, take the chance to let her know.

12. Make Loose Plans
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It may not be the right time to ask her out on a date, but you can certainly allude to hanging out with her in the future. For example, if you’re talking about a museum you visited last week, you could mention how she would love it or that you’d love to take her there sometime. You’re not asking her out directly, but you’re making it known that you’d like to.

13. Be Direct
Don’t be afraid to say something super nice if it fits within the context of your location or conversation. If you’re enjoying being around her, say so. If you think she’s awesome, tell her, “I think you’re awesome.” It’s a bold move, but it works. Let her know that you value her.

5 Things To Talk About With A Girl You Like

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If you’re looking for things to say to a girl you like, you should start by simply saying the things you would say to any girl. Once you’ve established that foundation, then you can start turning up the heat a bit.

Here are 5 things to talk about with the girl you like:

14. Talk About Dating
If it seems like she’s digging your vibe, try asking about relationships and dating without getting too personal. You can try to feel out if she’s single and if she’s interested without asking directly. For example, you could talk about a nightmare date you went on, and see where that leads the conversation.

15. Talk About Hangout Ideas
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Before you ask her out directly, talk about local date ideas and see if she expresses interest. If her eyes light up when you bring up that Thai restaurant that opened up, you just got the green light to invite her out for dinner.

16. Talk About Personal Passions
Whether it’s a sport you play, your job, or your pets…you probably have a few passions that you can always talk about with a girl. Not only will she enjoy hearing you talk enthusiastically about what’s important to you, but it’ll also open up the conversation for her to be able to talk about whatever she’s into.

So whatever it is that gets you excited, or keeps you busy outside of work, don’t hold back on talking about it.

17. Talk About Your Accomplishments
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Now this is a tough one because you don’t want to come off like you’re bragging. At the same time, if you want to win her over, you want her to be aware of your accomplishments. Talk about cool things you’ve done without sounding like you’re Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. Slip one tiny brag into the conversation and then move on. Don’t dwell on it unless she pushes you.

18. Plans For The Future
Talking about plans for the future with a girl is great for two reasons: Not only can it create an excited, fun conversation (like talking about vacations), but you can also find out if your plans are on the same track as each other.

For example, she may be hyper focus on her career and getting promoted, or she might be planning to move to a new state next year.

The question to ask yourself, do her plans for the future align with what you want in a relationship?

5 Things To Talk About On A First Date

So your lingual skills panned out and you landed a date. Way to go! Now you need things to talk about on a first date. Now, you can use some of the previously mentioned topics, but make sure it doesn’t sound like you planned out the conversations in advance. When you’re on a date, you need to be able to talk about what’s happening in real-time.

Here are 5 things to talk about when you’re on a date:

19. Pay Attention To Your Surroundings
Whether you’re talking about your favorite appetizers or your favorite song by a band you’re seeing in concert, a date should have plenty of topics all around you. Be aware of them and use them to your advantage.

20. Talk About What She’s Been Up To
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The purpose of going on a date is to get to know someone, so help her open up by asking about what she’s been doing lately. This shows her that you’re interested in her life, and it helps you to determine if she’s a good match for you.

21. Movies, Music Or Art
If you’re looking for a lighter topic, that could very likely get you both to open up, there surprisingly may be no better thing to talk about than art. And that doesn’t just mean talking about Picasso.

Other art forms, like movies, books or fashion, are all great conversation-starters.

What exactly makes them so good? Because, even though talking about your favorite band or TV show can start off simple, learning each other’s choices in different art forms can often end up telling you a lot about each other.

22. Past Or Future Vacations
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Whether it’s the beach, a camping trip, a historical town, or a wild adventure, everyone is looking for some time away from their normal day-to-day routines. And future or past vacations provide a great source of conversational topics:

Not only will you will you find out if you have vacation ideas in common but the vacation she’s looking for in the future, can also tell you a lot about her life now.

And who knows? If it sounds like you want to see the same places, you might even eventually be able to plan a future getaway together…

23. Talk About Funny Stuff
Dates are awkward by nature, so ease the discomfort by cracking some jokes. Leave the dirty jokes at home and stick with the family-friendly ones (for now). Don’t be afraid to be a little goofy/cheesy. Girls appreciate a guy with a sense of humor, even if it’s a little silly. Don’t act like a stand-up comedian or anything — just be upbeat and positive, and smile a lot.

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